Kevin Kresse has integrity. I can say this because I know him and I know how he works and how he carries himself in the world. He’s one of the few artists I know – hell, he’s one of the few people – who walks through this life with honor and dignity.

Perhaps you think this is a funny way to introduce an artist. But, I think how a man lives impacts directly on what he creates. And Kevin’s sculptures and paintings are a reflection of his spirit. They are tough, smart, funny and searching. They pull you in and make you want to sit a while with them. Like great conversations, Kevin’s work keeps unfolding and offering satisfaction on many different levels.

You might want to know that Kevin’s won some awards and had some honors. But those things fade and fall off the wall. His art is another matter. That will last. Take a look and see for yourself.

Werner Trieschmann

….the inspirational and living Arkansas legend of Kevin Kresse and how he made good on following his dreams of becoming a working artist by never separating his art and life.

Chuck Beard/Editor, Number Inc. [Issue 70]